Data Policy FAQ

What is Mergo?

Mergo is a mail merge add-on for Google Sheets that automates the process of sending an email to different recipients. Instead of manually sending an individual email to each of your recipients with Gmail, Mergo lets you reuse a Gmail draft as an email template and automatically sends hundreds of emails within minutes to a list of recipients stored in your Google Sheets.

All emails sent will be shown among your "Sent" items in Gmail, just as if you had manually sent those emails, but in a programmatic way using Mergo.

Which applications can Mergo replace?

This add-on can be used to send mail merge / email campaigns via Gmail & Google Sheets.

This is a tool similar to YAMM, Mailmeteor, Mail Merge with Attachments and a few others available on the G Suite Marketplace.

What does the Privacy Policy state about Firebase?

Regarding security, we are using several OAuth scopes tagged as sensitive by Google (eg: ability to read each user mailbox).

Because of that, in addition to being audited by Google, we also had to undergo an audit from an external security company.

We are using Firebase as our database for the add-on. This is useful to store information like:

  • emails tracking receipts (receipts of each email opened, clicked, unsubscribed to etc.)

  • campaign data (for scheduled campaigns)

  • list of all campaigns for each user (so that each user can have a look at the performance of all his past campaigns)

Who can access data stored in Firebase?

The Firebase database is stored and secured on Google Cloud. Google employees don't have access to the data (as for most data stored on Google Cloud).

Specific people from the Mergo team do have access to the database or part of the database (developers & support people). They all signed and committed to:

  • Our Information Security Policy

  • Our Incident Response Policy

  • Our Ethics Policy

If you need a copy of those policies, please send your request at